Pharma industry projects

We undertake complex project management services for pharmaceutical companies.

Product portfolio expansion

  • Searching for the most competitive pharmaceutical products and active ingredients on the international market.
  • Contact with sales representatives and managers of potential clients.
  • Finalization of the business model and financial/commercial conditions.
  • Assistance with finalization of the contract.
  • Other business development tips

Market introduction of pharmaceutical products

  • Coordination of the necessary human resources (graphic designers, regulatory, logisticians, sales managers)
  • Negotiation with pharmaceutical wholesalers
  • Assistance in finding the best product name, trademark research
  • Checking the adequacy of promotional materials
  • Other professional advice

Dietary supplement notification in Hungary

  • Advice on feasibility (choosing the right product category).
  • Advice on applicable health claims.
  • Quality and quantity control of legal compliance of active ingredients and excipients.
  • Preparation and/or quality control of label text (packaging plans) in Hungarian language.
  • Quality control of graphic implementation.
  • Compilation of the dossier, help in identifying missing documents.
  • Filling out a cover letter and data sheet.
  • Maintaining contact with you, answering your questions.
  • Assistance in submitting documentation to the authorities.
  • English-Hungarian and Hungarian-English translation tasks related to the above.
Food Supplements
Dietary supplement manufacturing plant

Dietary supplement manufacturing plant

Project management tasks related to the setup of a dietary supplement manufacturing plant in Hungary, from planning to implementation.